Journal Papers |
M. C. Gursoy, H. B. Yılmaz, A. E. Pusane, and T. Tugcu,
"Simulation study and analysis of diffusive molecular communications with an apertured plane,"
accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on NanoBioScience. (manuscript) |
M. C. Gursoy, A. Celik, E. Basar, A. E. Pusane, and T.
Tugcu, "Molecular index modulation with space-time equalization," accepted for publication in IEEE
Wireless Communications Letters. (manuscript) |
A. O. Kışlal, B. C. Akdeniz, C. Lee, A. E. Pusane, T.
Tuğcu, and C. Chae, "ISI-mitigating channel codes for molecular communication via diffusion," IEEE
Access, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 24588-24599, December 2020. (manuscript) |
O. D. Kose, M. C. Gursoy, M. Saraclar, A. E. Pusane, and
T. Tugcu, "Machine learning-based silent entity localization using molecular diffusion," IEEE
Communications Letters, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 807-810, April 2020. (manuscript) |
F. Gökbudak, B. C. Akdeniz, T. Tugcu, and A. E. Pusane,
"Spatial receptor allocation for a multiple access hub in nanonetworks," IEEE Transactions on
Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 63-67, October 2019. (manuscript) |
F. Dinc, B. C. Akdeniz, A. E. Pusane, and T. Tugcu, "A
general analytical approximation to impulse response of 3-D microfluidic channels in molecular
communication," IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 396-403, July 2019. (manuscript) |
F. Dinc, B. C. Akdeniz, E. Erol, D. Gokay, E. Tekgul, A.
E. Pusane, and T. Tugcu, "Analytical derivation of the impulse response for the bounded 2-D diffusion
channel," Physics Letters A, vol. 383, no. 14, pp. 1589-1600, May 2019. (manuscript) |
M. C. Gursoy, E. Basar, A. E. Pusane, and T. Tugcu,
"Index modulation for molecular communication via diffusion systems," IEEE Transactions on
Communications, vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 1558-0857, May 2019. (manuscript) |
A. O. Kislal, H. B. Yilmaz, A. E. Pusane, and T. Tugcu,
"ISI-aware channel code design for molecular communication via diffusion," IEEE Transactions on
NanoBioscience, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 205-213, April 2019. (manuscript) |
M. C. Gursoy, E. Basar, A. E. Pusane, and T. Tugcu,
"Pulse position-based spatial modulation for molecular communications," IEEE Communications Letters,
vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 596-599, April 2019. (manuscript) |
M. G. Ulkar, A. E. Pusane, and T. Tuğcu, "Novel
decoding methods of constant weight coding for molecular communications," Nano Communication Networks,
vol. 19, pp. 157-167, March 2019. (manuscript) |
M. Turan, B. C. Akdeniz, M. S. Kuran, H. B. Yilmaz, I.
Demirkol, A. E. Pusane, and T. Tugcu, "Transmitter localization in vessel-like diffusive channels
using ring-shaped molecular receivers," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 2511-2514,
December 2018. (manuscript) |
B. C. Akdeniz, N. Turgut, H. B. Yilmaz, C. Chae, T.
Tugcu, and A. E. Pusane, "Molecular signal modeling of a partially counting absorbing spherical
receiver," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 6237-6246, December 2018. (manuscript) |
H. B. Yilmaz, X. Gutierrez, and I. Demirkol. "Voxel-based simulation approach for molecular communications via diffusion," Elsevier Nano Communication Networks, vol. 18, pp. 27-33, December 2018. (manuscript) |
F. Dinc, B. C. Akdeniz, A. E. Pusane, and T. Tugcu,
"Impulse response of the molecular diffusion channel with a spherical absorbing receiver and a
spherical reflective boundary," IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale
Communications, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 118-122, June 2018. (manuscript) |
M. C. Gursoy, A. E. Pusane, and T. Tuğcu, “Molecule-as-a-frame: A frame based communication approach for nanonetworks,” Elsevier Nano Communication Networks, vol. 16, pp. 45-59, June 2018. (manuscript) |
B.C. Akdeniz, A.E. Pusane, and T. Tugcu, “Position-based modulation in molecular communications,” Elsevier Nano Communication Networks, vol. 16, pp. 60-68, June 2018. (manuscript) |
G. Genc, A. E. Pusane, T. Tuğcu, and Y. E. Kara, “Reception Modeling of sphere-to-sphere molecular communication via diffusion,” Elsevier Nano Communication Networks, vol. 16, pp. 69-80, June 2018. (manuscript) |
B.C. Akdeniz, A.E. Pusane, and T. Tugcu, “Optimal Reception Delay in Diffusion-based Molecular Communication,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 57-60, January 2018. (manuscript) |
B.C. Akdeniz, B. Tepekule, A.E. Pusane, and T. Tugcu, “Novel Network Coding Applications for Diffusion-Based Molecular Nanonetworks,” Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, vol. 28, no. 7, pp. 1-7, July 2017. (manuscript) |
G. Genc, Y.E. Kara, H.B. Yilmaz, and T. Tugcu, “ISI-Aware Modeling and Achievable Rate Analysis of the Diffusion Channel,” IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 20, No 9, pp. 1729-1732, September 2016. (manuscript) |
A.C. Heren, H.B. Yilmaz, C.-B. Chae, and T. Tugcu, “Effect of Degradation in Molecular Communication: Impairment or Enhancement?” IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications, Vol. 1, No 2, pp. 217-229, June 2015. (manuscript) |
B. Tepekule, A.E. Pusane, H.B. Yilmaz, C.-B. Chae, and T. Tugcu, “ISI Mitigation Techniques in Molecular Communication,” IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications, Vol. 1, No 2, pp. 202-216, June 2015. (manuscript) |
B. Tepekule, A.E. Pusane, M.Ş. Kuran, and T. Tugcu, "A Novel Pre-Equalization Method for Molecular Communication via Diffusion in Nanonetworks," IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 19, No 8, pp. 1311 – 1314, August 2015. (manuscript) |
A. Akkaya, H. B.Yilmaz, C.-B. Chae, T. Tugcu, "Effect of receptor density and size on signal reception in molecular communication via diffusion with an absorbing receiver", "IEEE Communications Letters", Vol. 19, No 2, pp. 155-158, February 2015 (manuscript) |
H. B. Yilmaz, A. C. Heren, T. Tugcu, and C.-B. Chae, "Three-Dimensional Channel Characteristics for Molecular Communications with an Absorbing Receiver," IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 929-932, June 2014. (manuscript) |
A. Akkaya, G. Genc, and T. Tugcu, “HLA Based Architecture for Molecular Communication Simulation,” Elsevier Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory (SIMPAT), Vol. 42, pp. 163-177, March 2014. (manuscript) |
M. S. Kuran, T. Tugcu, and B. O. Edis, "Calcium Signaling: Overview and Research Directions of a Molecular Communication Paradigm," IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 20-27, October 2012. (manuscript) |
M. S. Kuran, H. B. Yilmaz, T. Tugcu, I. F. Akyildiz, "Interference Effects on Modulation Techniques in Diffusion Based Nanonetworks," Elsevier Nano Communication Networks Journal, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 65-73, March 2012. (manuscript) |
M. S. Kuran, H. B. Yilmaz, T. Tugcu, and B. Ozerman, “Energy Model for Communication via Diffusion in Nanonetworks,” Elsevier Nano Communication Networks, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 86-95, July 2010. (manuscript) |
Conference Papers |
J. W. Kwack, H. B. Yilmaz, N. Farsad, C.-B. Chae, and A. Goldsmith. "Two way molecular communications," in Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (NANOCOM '18), Reykjavik, Iceland, September 2018. (manuscript) |
B. C. Akdeniz, A. E. Pusane, and T. Tuğcu, "A network
coding approach for multi-hop nanonetworks in molecular communication," in Proc. International
Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, August 2018. (manuscript) |
C. Gürsoy, B. C. Akdeniz, A. E. Pusane, and T. Tuğcu,
"Error probability calculation with reduced complexity for molecular communications," in Proc.
International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, Athens, Greece, July 2018. (manuscript) |
M. Turan, M.S. Kuran, H.B. Yilmaz, I. Demirkol, T. Tugcu "Channel Model of Molecular Communication via Diffusion in a Vessel-like Environment Considering a Partially Covering Receiver," IEEE BlackSeaCom Conference, Batumi, Georgia, June 2018. (manuscript) |
A. O. Kislal, A. E. Pusane, and T. Tugcu, "A comparative
analysis of channel coding for molecular communications," in Proc. IEEE Signal Processing and
Communications Applications Conference, Izmir, Turkey, May 2018. (manuscript) |
M. C. Gursoy, A. E. Pusane, and T. Tugcu, "Superposition
based molecular communications in nanomachine swarms," in Proc. IEEE Signal Processing and
Communications Applications Conference, Izmir, Turkey, May 2018. (manuscript) |
M. Turan, H.B. Yilmaz, and T. Tugcu, "Performance analysis of power adjustment methods in molecular communication via diffusion," in Proc. IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, Izmir, Turkey, May 2018. (manuscript) |
M. Turan, M.S. Kuran, H.B. Yilmaz, C.-B. Chae, T. Tugcu "MOL-Eye: A New Metric for the Performance Evaluation of a Molecular Signal," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Barcelona, Spain, April 2018. (manuscript) |
B. C. Akdeniz, H. B. Yılmaz, A. E. Pusane, and T. Tuğcu,
"Impulse response of 3-D molecular communication via diffusion and flow channel with an absorbing
receiver," in Proc. 3rd Workshop on Molecular Communications, Ghent, Belgium, April 2018. (manuscript) |
B.C. Akdeniz, A.E. Pusane, and T. Tugcu, On the Performance of the Modulation Methods in Time-varying Molecular Communication Channels,” accepted to 40th IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), Barcelona, Spain, July 2017. (manuscript) |
B.C. Akdeniz, A.E. Pusane, and T. Tugcu, “Two-way Communication Systems in Molecular Communication,” accepted to IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (IEEE BlackSeaCom), Antalya, Turkey, June 2017. |
C. Gursoy, A.E. Pusane, and T. Tugcu, “Throughput Optimization for Molecule-as-a-Frame Communications,” accepted to IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (IEEE BlackSeaCom), Antalya, Turkey, June 2017. |
B.C. Akdeniz, A.E. Pusane, and T. Tugcu, “2-D Channel Transfer Function for Molecular Communication with an Absorbing Receiver,” accepted to 22nd IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication (ISCC’17), Crete, Greece, July 2017. (manuscript) |
B.C. Akdeniz, A.E. Pusane, and T. Tugcu, “A Novel Concentration-Type Based Modulation in Molecular Communication,” accepted to IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (IEEE SIU), Antalya, Turkey, May 2017. (manuscript) |
C. Gursoy, B.C. Akdeniz, A.E. Pusane, and T. Tugcu, “On the Effects of Mobile Transmitter and Receiver on the Performance of Molecular Communications System,” accepted to IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (IEEE SIU), Antalya, Turkey, May 2017. (manuscript) |
A.C. Heren, H.B. Yilmaz, and T. Tugcu, "Energy Efficient MAC Protocol for Cluster Formation in Mobile Cooperative Spectrum Sensing," International Workshop on Smart Spectrum (in conjunction with IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference-WCNC), Las Vegas, 2015. |
A. C. Heren, F. N. Kilicli, G. Genc, and T. Tugcu, “Effect of Messenger Molecule Decomposition in Communication via Diffusion,” ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (ACM NANOCOM), Atlanta, GA, May 2014.(manuscript) |
H.B. Yilmaz, Chan-Byoung Chae, and T. Tugcu, “Sensor Placement Algorithm for Radio Environment Map Construction in Cognitive Radio Networks,” in Proc. of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Istanbul, 2014. (manuscript) |
B. Tepekule, A. E. Pusane, H. B. Yilmaz, and T. Tugcu, “Energy Efficient ISI Mitigation for Communication via Diffusion,” IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (IEEE BlackSeaCom), Chisinau, Moldova, May 2014. |
B. Tepekule, A. E. Pusane, H. B. Yilmaz, and T. Tugcu, “A Novel Modulation Technique in Diffusion Based Molecular Communication and Its Performance Analysis,” IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (IEEE SIU), Trabzon, Turkey, April 2014. |
G. Genc, H.B. Yilmaz, and T. Tugcu, "Reception Enhancement with Protrusions in Communication via Diffusion," IEEE BlackSeaCom Conference, Batumi, Georgia, July 2013. (manuscript) |
A. C. Heren, M. S. Kuran, H. B. Yilmaz, and T. Tugcu, "Channel Capacity of Calcium Signalling Based on Inter-cellular Calcium Waves in Astrocytes," International Workshop on Molecular and Nano-scale Communications (MONACOM) in conjunction with IEEE ICC, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013. (manuscript) |
M. S. Kuran, H. B. Yilmaz, and T. Tugcu, " A Tunnel-based Approach for Signal Shaping in Molecular Communication," International Workshop on Molecular and Nano-scale Communications (MONACOM) in conjunction with IEEE ICC, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013. (manuscript) |
A. Akkaya and T. Tugcu, “dMCS: Distributed Molecular Communication Simulator,” 8th International Conference on Body Area Networks (BODYNETS), Boston, USA, September 2013. (manuscript) |
A. Akkaya, T. Tugcu, “Analog Molecular Communication in Nanonetworks,” 6th International ICST Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems (BIONETICS), York, UK, December 2011. (manuscript) |
M. S. Kuran, T. Tugcu, “Co-channel Interference for Communication via Diffusion System in Molecular Communication,” 6th International ICST Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems (BIONETICS), York, UK, December 2011. (manuscript) |
M. S. Kuran, H. B. Yilmaz, T. Tugcu, I. F. Akyildiz, “Modulation Techniques for Communication via Diffusion in Nanonetworks,” IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Kyoto, Japan, June 2011. (manuscript) |
M. S. Kuran, H. B. Yilmaz, T. Tugcu, “Effects of Routing for Communication via Diffusion System in the Multi-node Environment,” International Workshop on Molecular and Nano-scale Communications (MONACOM) in conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM, Shanghai, China, April 2011. (manuscript) |
Book Chapters |
B. Acar, A. Akkaya, G. Genc, H. B. Yilmaz, M. Ş. Kuran, T. Tugcu, "Understanding Communication via Diffusion: Simulation Design and Intricacies", "Modeling, Methodologies and Tools for Molecular and Nano-scale Communications", 139-163, 2017, Springer International Publishing (manuscript) |